Understaffing in Women’s Correctional Facilities

The epidemic of understaffing is growing rapidly. For as long as I’ve been incarcerated, since July of 2020, the staffing issue is getting worse not only in prisons, but in jails as well. The first jail I was housed at held no compassion whatsoever. It was filthy, bias, and inhumane. The guards decided to pick and choose what they paid attention to. When it was important, they were nowhere to be found. A girl was drug around and beat up in an open dorm with cameras while another girl screamed at the top of her lungs yet no guards came for hours. This is one of the many examples I experienced just from my first year in jail, whether it was due to negligence or understaffing. It’s an issue that needs to be addressed. Once I got transferred to prison, I truly understood the crisis. From nurses to officers to counselors, they are all overworked and it affects our daily lives as much as theirs. A recent incident drives this point home and I believe everyone needs to hear it. Over the weekend in my building, a girl that I’ve known for two years now, cut another girls arm wide open with a blade. The sole reason is that she is a schizophrenic housed in general population with too many triggers and not enough help for her. She is a highly intelligent individual. She’s had many outbursts before, suicidal threats, episodes, etc. She has been housed in acute and then released back into population, which then makes her a danger to not only herself but others for obvious reasons. She had no beefs with this other girl. They were actually friends. People saw them hanging out at rec together, laughing and joking, doing arts and crafts. Something triggered her to do what she did and the girl had to go the hospital to get eleven stitches. It could have been a lot worse. Both of these girls are victims as well as the many people that witnessed the incident. Later that day, the building attempted to hold a peaceful protest in the chow hall because this incident was major and needed attention. There are no mental health counselors on staff during the weekend. Why is that? We don’t have staff to support the need for on call weekend shifts. So, the initial answers from administration was to lock up individuals in segregation that were involved in the protest because it’s actually considered “inciting a riot.” They didn’t even know the whole situation, once they did they decided against seg. We incarcerated are instantly in the wrong just because we want change and have to show out for what we want/need and there’s no other way. I have actually heard from a counselor that they don’t have enough staff to see everyone that wants or needs to be seen. THAT’S A PROBLEM!

This understaffing crisis makes our living environment even tougher to navigate. Just human warehouses to stuff us in by numbers and the lowest status possible. We must look after one another and work harder to keep others afloat and safe. This environment is so much for self. It truly needs more unity. There are many that go against the grain and establish so much change and rehabilitation. They are resilient against all odds. The system needs revival and staff to make changes. There are plenty of opportunities coming about after the Covid hit, only we need staff to help operate these things. These matters need the spotlight to bring about difference in prisons all across the nation.

My name is Jennifer Zukerman. (DOC #2080583) I am currently housed at Fluvanna Correctional center for Women.