The First Lie, A Poem

It was that first lie that introduced you to a life of sin,
It was that first lie that broke something deep within;
for when you lie, you deceive yourself, family and friends,
because you have cheated them into never trusting in you again,
because when you cheat – the opposition cannot defend,
because you have stacked the Deck to where only you win,
Therefore, when you cheat you take: though none is the wiser,
now, the silent man within has a criminal for an advisor.
You’re in the big league now -for- when you take you are now labeled a thief,
So welcome yourself to the gateway of criminality of regret and grief.
for, there is no love for what’s has been given birth to by a lie,
these are the A-moral /antisocial questions that approach you when getting high.
As your painless conscience return from its drugged induced abyss,
You welcome the love and hope therein back into your midst.
with the fork in the road of conscience now upon you,
the future of the choice you now make is clearly in view.
So turn your moral clock back and correct those silly Lie’s,
and allow the return of your family and friends smile’s to be your eternal prize.
As you now realize that excuses and lies are for the immature state of mind,
You can now began to cultivate conscience of truth and leave that life behind.
So, welcome yourself back to a life without sin,
Where the Deck is never stacked and we all win.

Submitted By: Alexander Cameron., #1172733
Beaumont Correctional Center
3500 Beaumont Road
Beaumont, Virginia 23014

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