I JUST NEED ONE VOTEā€¦ BY: Yusef Hasan Sykes SR.


I see the aging in the faces of the men housed in these facilities with lengthy sentences.
Their pain I’ve felt and when I looked around after Parole, Second Look and the age change for Geriatric failed, I saw the face of defeat.
Three well-needed bills that left violent offense offenders asking theirselves, “When will the lawmakers pass a bill that will benefit me?”

Dear Mr. or Mrs. Vote that matters,
Its been 28 years since the abolishment of Parole and still they say No to Parole, leaving the offenders under the new law, without a way to be considered for release.
I ask?
I wonder….
Are they aware that a high percentage of us have proven through our change in behavior and accomplishments over the decades spent incarcerated, that we’ve changed?
Did they not hear about or see how successful the turnout was when our loved ones showed up in support of Second Look, that would of gave thousands that chance to give the courts/judges the ability to reconsider sentences that may have been harsh or in matters where one has changed and shown a great propensity for rehabilitation.
Again, are they aware that we’ve changed?

Did they not hear about the benefit Second Look would be to those with violent offenses if they would have given it a chance?

Its time for a change, to Vote Blue and for those seats that need to be filled by those who believe in Second Chances such as, Suhas Subraman, Monty Mason, Russet Perry, Joel Griffin, Clint Jenkins, Saddam Salim, Jessica Anderson, Susanna Gibson, Phil Hernandez and Trish White – Boyd to name a few.

It’s on us to inform our loved ones of the importance in voting and who they are voting for and its on our loved ones to be those votes for the ones ineligible to vote.
Dear Mr. or Mrs. Vote that matters…